Der Studiengang im Detail

International Management (B.A.)

Die Hochschule

THD - Technische Hochschule Deggendorf

Edlmairstraße 6 + 8 
94469 Deggendorf 
0991 3615-284

International Management (B.A.)

Informationen über den Studiengang an der Hochschule


If you are looking for a fully accredited business degree that integrates high academic standards with international experience, then we have a program designed specifically to meet your needs. Our International Management BA program meets the demands of students who are seeking a global perspective on a management career.

You´ll learn how to do business as a global player and gain valuable leadership skills and intercultural awareness combined with a full spectrum of strategic management, marketing, finance and other relevant skills.

We offer not only one of the first international management programs in Germany to be taught 100% in English, but we also top the list of CHE employability ratings for bachelor degrees in business. Our goal is to train you to fill the growing demand for multilingual, multicultural managers, who can lead dynamic companies across cultures and borders.


At “Studium mit vertiefter Praxis” (co-operative studies), the student starts his or her course in the winter semester, works at the company during the semester breaks and his internship semester respectively, and ends his studies by handing in a final thesis. Depending on the entry requirements, it is also possible to work at the company from August or September before officially beginning to study at the university.
The “Studium mit vertiefter Praxis” consists of 6 theoretical semesters plus one practical semester (=4th or 5th semester at the company) as well as the final thesis as an integral part in the 7th semester. The study course ends with the degree “Bachelor of Arts”. Within this course, an internship and a semester abroad is obligatory.

7 Semester
01.10. eines jeden Jahres
Zulassungsvoraussetzungen der Hochschule
  • 1. Vertrag mit Ausbildungsunternehmen
  • 2. Abitur oder Fachhochschulreife
    oder Meisterprüfung / gleichgestellte berufliche Fortbildungsprüfung
    oder fachgebundener Zugang für besonders qualifizierte Berufstätige

Studentenwerksbeitrag 52 €

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